
Gerard’s Clam Chowder

  • Servings: 10
  • Prep Time: 20m
  • Cook Time: 60m
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Nutritional Info

This information is per serving.

  • Calories

  • Total Fat

    14 g
  • Saturated Fat

    6 g
  • Cholesterol

    94 mg
  • Sodium

    576 mg
  • Potassium

    561 mg
  • Carbohydrates

    24 g
  • Dietary Fiber

    2 g
  • Sugars

    5 g
  • Protein

    39 g


  • Fresh quahogs, about 20
  • 2 onions, chopped
  • 1/4 pound salt pork, chopped
  • 4-6 potatoes, cubed
  • 2 chicken bouillon cubes
  • 3 cans evaporated milk


Step 1

Place quahogs in a pot in a few inches of water but do not fully submerge them. Cover and steam for 5-10 minutes until open. Discard any that do not open. Remove from shells. Save the water and strain several times to remove any sand. Return water to the pot.

Step 2

In a pan fry onion in salt pork. If there's not enough liquid, add some margarine.

Step 3

To the clam water add potatoes and bouillon. Bring to a boil and simmer until potatoes are cooked. Add cooked onions and salt pork. Grind quahogs and add to pot. Add evaporated milk and heat through.

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